Echoes in Red (Excerpt)
Fury is the dart
You throw to my heart
When you fail to see
But should I bruise
The ruse
Is that you are really killing yourself
Hoping that I may die splendidly
But mentally
You can’t want for me
What you don’t want for yourself
Since we are one
So if you commit or condone violence
You must want my death
Since death is the logical extension
But in this dimension
You also want your own death
Or to be deceased
Which means you really want peace
Since in death there is stillness
And in this realness
You come to understand
That your anger preceded the violence
And your fear preceded the anger
And confusion preceded your
So my dear
With new eyes
It is your rebirth you hear
We are
If for nothing more
To create the form that we didn’t before
And to deconstruct
Our previously destructive and counter-productive
Copyright Joel A. Brown 2007, 2012. All Rights Reserved.